Search Results
Workflow of MolecuLight i:X Telemedicine Solution for Wound Imaging
MolecuLight i:X® for Fluorescence Imaging of Wounds for Management of Bacterial Burden
How to Use MolecuLight i:X AUTO MODE for Wound Measurement
STANDARD IMAGING of wounds with the MolecuLight i:X®device
MolecuLight i:X's Digital Wound Measurement Tool in Action
How does point-of-care fluorescence imaging (MolecuLight) compare with traditional tissue sampling?
Optimal Wound Sticker Placement with the MolecuLight i:X® device
Imaging Bacterial Load in Complex Wound Patients in LTC using MolecuLight Imaging
EWMA webinar: Telemedicine in wound management: current practice and future potential
Wound Care without Walls: Practicing Wound Care in a Virtual World
Webinar MolecuLightTM i X – MEHR SEHEN ALS ALLE ANDEREN 20180425